Adding a new class is done through the main page of manage classes. There are three tabs at the top:

  • All Classes - which shows you a list of classes 

  • Add Class - which is where you go to add a new class 

  • Upload New Students - which takes you to a page where you can bulk upload a large amount of students.

Clicking on the ‘add class’ tab directs you to this page:

  • Select the class name 

  • Select the year group 

  • Click ‘save’ 

  • Your class has now been created, and appears on the ‘all classes’ list. 

Clicking on the ‘upload new students’ tab directs you to this page:

  • Download the template 

  • Fill out the spreadsheet. Please be sure to include Gender, First and Last Name, Date of Birth (ex: mm/dd/yyyy), Class Name, and Grade or Year Group. Passwords are optional. If they are not included on the spreadsheet, Maths-Whizz will automatically generate one. Please ensure that there are no spaces, and that ‘reception’ is ‘F’. 

  • Save as a CSV

  • Ensure the date format is mm/dd/yyyy, and upload your new students!

Please note that you can also do this by clicking on the ‘Bulk Upload Students’ tab that is found on the ‘Tutoring Plus’ homepage.