To add and/or delete a student, you must first select the class that the student is in from the list of all classes. Once you have done this, a list of students who are in the class will appear. To add a new student, click on the ‘Add Student’ tab which is found at the top of the page (next to the ‘All Students’ tab).
After clicking on this tab, you will be directed to this page:
The following fields are required in order to create an account for the student:
First name
Last name
Date of Birth
Password - This can be anything of your preference, but please avoid providing every student in the class with the same password. This could lead to hacking.
Once you click ‘save’, an account is created for the student. The Maths-Whizz system automatically activates the student, and generates a username for them. You can find their username under the ‘all students’ list of their class.
Deleting a student removes that student from your list of classes, and automatically transfers them into the ‘Archive’ folder. Once the student it archived, their license will automatically be added back onto the schools account.
To delete a student, select the student and click on the ‘delete’ button which is found in the banner, or
click on the red ‘x’ button that is located under the ‘actions’ column on the right hand corner. The student will no longer be able to access Maths-Whizz unless they are restored and reactivated.