The dashboard is the first tab that is found in the student reports section. The information that is presented within the dashboard is according to the reporting period that has been set.
The blue box shows the student’s Maths-Age
The green box shows the total usage and the weekly average of the student’s usage within the reporting period chosen.
The orange box shows the number of total progressions and weekly average of the student’s progressions within the reporting period chosen
A visual representation of the student’s Maths-Age improvement, average weekly usage and average weekly progressions is shown.
Each of the visual representations provide a summary
Actual Age
Maths-Age at the start of the reporting period
Maths-Age now
Improvement from the start of the reporting period until now
Date of the last assessment
Average time spent in tutor mode within the reporting period
Average time spent in replay mode within the reporting period
The total average weekly usage of the student within that reporting period
The usage cap set - either 90 minutes, 120 minutes or unlimited.
Average weekly progressions received within the reporting period
Progressions pass rate
Attempted tutor exercises within the reporting period
Average tutor exercise mark
Average tutor tests done within the reporting period
Average tutor test mark received within the reporting period
Average amount of helps received within the reporting period