The reports bar on the left hand side directs you to the different types of reports that are available. You start at school level, and you can then break it down to individual classes and students to customise the reports for the data you require.
Clicking on the ‘class’ section provides you with a list of classes that are registered with Maths-Whizz. If you click on a class, it will direct you to the report of that particular class.
Clicking on the ‘student’ section provides you with a list of students in that class that are registered with Maths-Whizz. Unless a student is archived, their report will appear regardless of whether they are activated or not. If you click on a student’s name, their report will appear in student report.
The section highlighted in blue shows which report you are currently viewing.
The refresh, download and print options are available on every page of the reports.
The create certificate, messages and logout options are available at the top right hand corner of every page.
The navigation tabs around School Reports are dashboard, comparisons and topics.