The student’s Maths-Whizz badge is located on the student status page. The badge contains the student’s avatar, as well as their current Maths-Whizz status. 

A student can 'level up' or maintain their status by achieving 3 Progressions (or more) each week. Progressions are gained by passing an exercise and the corresponding test.

1 progression = 1 diamond .

Achieving 3 or more diamonds/progressions will complete that week’s gem

The number of gems that a student needs to have collected in the last 8 weeks in order to reach each status is shown below:

Students can see how they can level up by clicking 'How do I level up' on their status page below their current status. 

When clicked, the page below will appear showing students what they need to do to level up from one status to another.

Rookie – automatically achieved
Apprentice   -  achieved by earning 1- 3  gems out of 8 weeks 
Pro -  achieved by earning  4 - 5 gems out of 8 weeks
Master -  achieved by earning  6 - 7 gems out of 8 weeks
Superstar -  achieved by earning  8 gems out of 8 weeks

If a student does not earn enough gems each week to maintain their status or level up, they will go back to the previous status, for example, Master to Pro.